I really like a good change of weather. I like to see a cold winter storm blow in, snow and ice are refreshing in my opinion. And the cold days really help us to appreciate the warm days of spring.

A few days after this past Christmas just a few weeks ago, my wife and I escaped the big city and ran for the wide open spaces of the Texas Panhandle. I know, that location doesn’t seem very exotic or romantic or have much anybody would want to go to. But we actually love it. The people are few and far between and the mule deer are abundant. Its a great time to enjoy what God has created, chill out (which we really did with a wind-chill of 19) and refresh from the madness of the city.
Since the panhandle is so sparsely populated, especially in the area around Cap Rock Canyon, there are not a lot of choices in places to stay the night. We stayed in Turkey (home of Bob Wills) in an old, almost 100 year old hotel which was an experience in itself. Turkey is about 10 miles from Cap Rock Canyon which was our final destination. It’s a beautiful place full of wildlife and the painting possibilities are endless.

I took my easel with a goal to set up and paint three small paintings. My wife took her camera and lens looking for that unique “wow” shot that sometimes presents itself if you look hard enough. But it was cold. We could have done cold, but the wind was blowing like a lost hurricane that wondered up from the coast.
Driving and shooting photos was an easy out… just couldn’t make myself drag that easel out in the wind.
As we drove around the canyon area my wife was able to shoot some awesome photos of mule and white-tailed deer. We came across several groups of does who were being escorted, or I guess “courted” by a single buck who would always be reluctant to leave the does.

Finally I couldn’t bear heading home without setting up and attempting a painting. I figured I could paint a couple of hours before the cold wind really got to me. Ok, wasnt’ the best plan I have had but I did set up and sqeeze out some paint and stuck with it the next two hours. As I mentioned, the wind-chill was 19 degrees and and by the time I finished I was chilled to the bone. Although the cold did effect what I wanted to do on the canvas, I still enjoyed the painting process. Below is the frigid result.

For lo, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing has come, And the voice of the turtledove Is heard in our land.
Song of Solomon 2:11 & 12