I hate to admit it, but its true. Sometimes I whine about things. And usually, they are insignificant things that don’t really matter all that much in the “big picture”. I am reminded of this from time to time when I see someone living out a life I can only imagine. I have met beautiful people who take care of handicapped or special needs children day in and day out, showing the rest of us what love from a Heavenly Father really looks like. These folks are a gift from God and a reminder that all of life is sacred, from conception to the grave.
One such person is a friend of my wife and I. Her name is Beverly. We met Beverly at a prison ministry event, and we instantly related to her because she was from Tennessee, where my wife and I grew up and met.

A few years back we visited Beverly and met her son, Alec. Alec was born with hydrocephalus and the doctors said that he would not live beyond 4 months. That was 41 years ago and Beverly has been taking care of her special needs child most all of these 4 decades. I can’t imagine the true labor of love and exhaustion Beverly endured these past years. The night we visited, I shot some photos of Alec as he sat strapped to his wheel chair. I had planned on doing some kind of artwork from the photo reference, but I had some camera/lighting issues and the photos laid dormant for a few years.
We recently found out that Alec had passed away. The beautiful gift from God who was not expected to live more than 4 months had lived 41 years. Donna and I went to the memorial service which was a blessing to witness. We saw many photographs that displayed a precious life from the hand of God.
A day or two later I revisited the photos I had shot several years earlier and decided to try a charcoal drawing of Alec. I worked on gessoed panel. The image above is the result – a charcoal drawing I presented to Beverly a few days ago.
Thank you Beverly, and many others, who show us what true love looks like.
For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.
Psalm 139:13-14