Painting the Town

The temperature was nice and cool…still in the 90’s. When it’s June in Dallas, it’s kind of like standing on the coast when a hurricane is coming…you know what’s coming, hoping it won’t, but knowing it is only wishful thinking. I went out with a group of plein air painters to the south side of Dallas. We setup near a road to paint. Over all the temperature wasn’t too bad. But  by the time we left around noon, it was hot…a foreshadow of what was coming in August 🙂

Oil on panel setup for plein air painting called Painting the Town.

Easel setup in south Dallas, Texas.

Plein Air oil painting on panel of Dallas, Texas

Final plein air on panel, 12 x 9, Dallas, Texas. SOLD

Terrell Spring Paint Out

Terrell is an interesting town, full of unique history for anybody who wants to take a look. It was founded by a man from Tennessee back about 1873 – Robert A. Terrell. I really enjoyed investigating the town while looking for locations to paint. Learned some interesting history that surprised me.

One such surprise was that the U.S. Government trained British pilots during the Second World War, many who stayed after the war, married and started a family. You can visit the British Flying Training School Museum in Terrell and learn much about this little segment of history.

Below are a few of the paintings I created during the paint out week. My favorite location was probably the Dr. L.E. Griffith Homeplace. Everything about is screamed to be painted. I only wish I could have spent more day at that location.

Plein Air Oii on panel of the carriage house door of the Dr. L.E. Griffith homeplace in Terrell, Texas.

9 x 12 oil on panel, called “The Carriage House Door”

Terrell, Texas Spring Paint Out Easel setup for Plein Air Painting

Easel Setup for Carriage House Door

Plein Air oil on panel painted during the Annual Terrell Paint Out

Alley scene painted during the Terrell paint out. Oil on panel, 12 x 9

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