TWO DAY WORKSHOP – Painting Essentials, Focusing on Composition, Value and Color
Cost: $175
Date: July 22-23, 2021
Time: 8:30 til Noon – short break for lunch – 12:30 p.m. til 4:30 p.m. (both days)
REGISTER NOW! This workshop limited to 15 artists. (Registration form at bottom of page)
This 2 Day Workshop will focus on three foundations of oil painting, and really, creating art in general: Composition, Value and Color. Learning or strengthening these three pillars of visual expression will move us all towards the goal of well composed, harmonious paintings. I will also spend a short amount of time discussing the use of digital photography to compose paintings.
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COMPOSITION: We will work though composition options for your subject, creating small thumbnail sketches to get quick visuals of what will work and what might feel awkward in a composition. This will serve as a good starting place to sketch out your composition on your support for final painting.

VALUE: We will look at value and how it effects a painting. If time permits, we will work through a small value study (using black/white only) of your subject before final painting (time may not allow this to be completed in class).
COLOR: Finally, we will look at color, focusing on a limited palette. If you have never worked with a limited palette, this will be a great exercise and opportunity to see the many benefits it brings to the easel. Limiting the palette will simplify the painting process, fine tune your color mixing skills and unify the painting, giving the overall work harmony.
WHAT TO BRING: For this workshop we will be working on a landscape which is best to see these principles in action. Bring 8 x 10 (or so) color photo of your favorite landscape, something that you are excited about painting. This landscape should have a foreground, middle ground and background to help us focus on color and value. IE. an example of a good photo for this workshop would be one that perhaps has an old barn in a field in the Foreground, some trees or tree line or other buildings in the middle ground, and distant hills or mountains in the background.
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What to expect:
• Using photos as reference
• How to compose an interesting/balanced painting
• Demo of painting using a limited palette (if time permits)
• Understanding Values
• Mixing a limited palette
• Create a painting using limited palette
If you have any questions, email me at

Painting Essentials-ECAA-Waxahachie
2 Day Workshop-July 22, 23, 2021